Facing the devils
Today, I was reminded that our experiences of moving through a complicated world, witnessing suffering and uncertain of how things are going to turn out, is not new.
The medieval period in Europe was also a time of turmoil, danger, uncertainty and suffering.
But the solution for being human was the same.

Embracing Capricorn
We all have Capricorn somewhere in our charts, and we all have its ruler Saturn present somewhere.
And I’m going to challenge the biggest Cappy myth, the one which circulates from time to time both out in public, and inside our own heads.
That magical Sea-Goat was not built to slog through life, head down, tail up. It’s a creature of the gravity-defying summits, born to blaze its own way to the top. But the myth has it topsy-turvy. Find out why, and how to surf the wave of this magical creature!

Lords of the Dance
Back in 2011, my wonderful wordwitch friend, Jodi Cleghorn, was the first person to publish a story of mine. Deck the Halls: festive tales of fear and cheer - was an anthology of short speculative fiction, inspired by the carol of the same name. Writers were allocated one line each, from which they let their imaginations run wild - mine was ‘follow me in merry measure’. For this festive season I’m sharing my tale with kind permission of the publisher.

Deliberate, defiant joy
Here in Australia, the week after the US election, the daily announcements of Trump's plans for the military and foreign policy are terrifying.
Deliberate, defiant joy is one way of tapping into our resilience, and connecting with our hearts, with our capacity for love, and with each other.
And we're all going to need all of that.

The truth about half-assing
Half-assing is a superpower and a seed of rebellion, when you know how it works and why we’re told not to do it.

Can I heal depression?
Can I heal depression (or any other state of mental distress) with identity shifting? It's complicated (and yes).

Mythbusting Virgo
Virgo can look at any system or structure or network or arrangement, and see the flaws instantly. When Virgo is given the freedom to express that gift, they are happy as clams because they can put their finger to the machine and have it miraculously start working properly. But many (most?) Virgos find themselves looking at systems that aren't functioning, and offering inspiration which is then rejected (by the boss, the school board, the family member, the teacher, the BFF). So Virgo becomes blocked, suppressed, frustrated - because NOW Virgo is in a world full of dysfunction, with SO many brilliant solutions, and nobody will let them fix that shit...

Desire and Receiving
Knowing what you ACTUALLY want makes life so much easier - time to tap in to your own unapologetic desire. Because most of us have been taught by our culture (helloooooo patriarchy and white supremacy) to suppress our actual wants, so it’s become really hard to hear them clearly.

Mythbusting Leo
We all have Leo somewhere in our chart. This Leo season, it’s time to bust some myths and embrace your glorious inner lion.

It’s not you…
The path to reclaiming your joy and purpose begins with a willingness to forgive - to forgive all those times you blamed yourself for losing your joy; forgive all those times you punished yourself for feeling stuck or sad. The path begins with compassion for yourself, with recognition that none of this was EVER your fault, with relief at the realisation you are not broken or in need of fixing - and a powerful reminder that you are also not a helpless victim in this scenario.
Reclaiming your joy might not be a quick fix, but it is a worthwhile endeavour.

The secret of worthiness
You are already, always, altogether worthy, just by existing. Knowing you are worthy is a key to bringing in the money that matches your full potential. And knowing you are worthy requires nothing extra from you, except to let a little courage and compassion be enough.

The BS behind Impostor Syndrome …
Knowing that it’s not a you-problem is the starting place, because it removes the burden of feeling like there is something wrong with you; and it means you can focus your energy on countering the impact of Impostor Syndrome with defiance and a sense of empowerment.

Hedonic Adaptation
Hedonic Adaptation is what keeps our happiness levels on an even keel, or stuck in low gear - and you can change your own happiness levels with this simple and delightful practice.

Humane Manifesting
Inhumane manifesting, as a way of short-cutting to a result, has become highly weaponised in some circles, to the point of catastrophic damage. But we CANNOT dismiss or ignore the impact of systemic oppression, real-world disadvantage, family dynamics, intergenerational trauma, and our own individual past experiences and trauma. That is privilege writ large. And … the concept that ‘thoughts become things’ is not exactly wrong. So how do we implement a more humane manifesting approach?

Cracking the Reality Code
Cracking the reality code is waaaaay simpler and more fun than you might think. And it has zero to do with conspiracies or plots, and everything to do with your own internal power.

Freaking yourself out
When things go right, are you freaking yourself out? Here’s why, and how to quit it easily.

Ditch the binary
We make a lot of assumptions about our own lives, and many of them feel like ‘either/or’ choices. Tapping into a third dimension unleashes a ton of power, and it’s easier than you might think. Time to ditch the binary!

From martyr to goddess
The patriarchy in your head makes the journey from martyr to goddess so much harder - but it can and must be done, for your sake and for all of us on the planet. Three good reasons, four simple steps, for you to explore.

Chiron and the Patriarchy
Chiron in your astrological chart can be a powerful ally when you’re living as a woman raised in the toxic soup of the patriarchy - and that’s all of us. With his dual nature - man and horse, coach and healer, ‘alive’ and ‘dead’ - Chiron helps us reveal and tap into our own complex nature. Working with Chiron can unpack power you didn’t even know you had.

A dance of joy
When my beloved father died, I discovered a profound truth: that grief can coexist with a dance of joy.