Is this you?

As a woman navigating a modern life, do any of these sound familiar?

  • The career you created because you loved it so much is now sapping your energy, instead of bringing the joy you originally created it for. You don’t know whether to try rekindling the romance, or jump ship and try something new … so here you stay, shuffling to work like an escapee from the Walking Dead and wishing it could be different.

  • You’re a successful professional woman, but some days it feels like your only role is to attend to the needs of your clients, colleagues, bosses, kids, partners. You LOVE those beautiful humans, yet you flinch when you see an incoming notificationt, in case it’s someone neeeeeeding something from you. Ouch.

  • From the outside, life looks like it’s going great - good job, nice house, great car. But it’s costing so much, just to make it all work: commuting, clothes, supplements, wine, weekly massages, cigarettes, takeout, retreats, spiritual healing sessions. Something’s gotta give, and you’re anxious it might be you.

  • You have a beautiful dream of doing work you love and being paid well for it, yay! But your current gig is sucking the life out of you, and there’s no energy left to Make Shit Happen. You’ve done all the training, you know the practical steps to take, yet here you are still hesitating to push the start button. Halp!

  • People tell you all the time what a good job you’re doing, and on paper your results confirm that. But you keep working yourself into the ground, as though you’re trying to prove that you’re good enough. It’s frustrating AF because surely you shouldn’t need that validation … yet here you are.

  • You’ve spent a long time working on your spiritual side and healing your trauma, but deep down you  STILL get swept away by critical thoughts, drowning in yet another shame spiral because dear god, I should have this figured out by now.

My approach works for women who are:

  • ready to ditch the toxic inheritances of of a colonialist, misogynistic past

  • open to both science and magic

  • up for a little irreverence and subversion

  • compassionate

  • curious AF and love to learn new stuff

  • aspirational professionals

  • ambitious creatives

  • heart-centered entrepreneurs

  • eager for authentic self-expression, for healing and growth … AND ready to be ferocious in support of their own well-being

If you recognise yourself anywhere here, you are in the right place.

And you can make a start straight away, with my free resource designed to dismantle and dissolve that old devil Impostor Syndrome.

This annoying issue is not your fault, and it’s not a character flaw - it’s something quite different.

And the solution might be waaaaay more fun than you’ve been led to believe. Click the button to find out more, and get access today.