Mythbusting Virgo

"I'm Virgo so I'm doomed to be picky and critical and highly organised; that's why I drive my friends bananas"


Ruled by communication-and-network god Mercury, Virgo’s magical superpower is to move things from chaos (a state where anything is possible and nothing is clear) to order (a state where things are made real and manifest).

You start out with a vague concept, a need to be fulfilled.

You realise what's required is a table.

You draft plans in exquisite detail, because that's essential for a good outcome.

You do the measuring three times, so you only have to cut once.

You build with care and attention.

And now, where there was previously a formless chaotic vague idea - there is a TABLE!!

Virgo brings things to manifested reality, with ease and clarity and a kind of streamlined magic that other signs sometimes find mystifying.

If you’re Virgo, YOU know why you measure three times. THEY might not get it. And that's okay, it's not their gift.

This gift for magical orderliness means Virgo can look at any system or structure or network or arrangement, and see the flaws instantly. 

When Virgo is given the freedom to express that gift, they are happy as clams because they can put their finger to the machine and have it miraculously start working properly.

But many (most?) Virgos find themselves looking at systems that aren't functioning, and offering inspiration which is then rejected (by the boss, the school board, the family member, the teacher, the BFF).

Ask me about that time when I was ten, and corrected a teacher's mispronunciation of a word. 😬

So Virgo becomes blocked, suppressed, frustrated - because NOW Virgo is in a world full of dysfunction, with SO many brilliant solutions, and nobody will let them fix that shit.

A suppressed Virgo WILL become critical and uptight - not because it's their fundamental nature, but because their brilliance has been cast aside.

Time to find ways to express that Holmesian genius for spotting the clues, for putting things together, for bringing orderliness to the world - that don't require other people's cooperation.

Because truly, those of us who don't have strong Virgo can only stand back in admiration at those gifts.

And of course - we do all have Virgo somewhere in our charts, whether it’s in a strong position or not.

So during Virgo season, this is the perfect time to lean into those superpowers.

Look at the systems and structures in your life and your work, and see what could be streamlined, what needs to be added, what’s out of date, what needs decluttering.

BUT ALSO - don’t let overwhelm get to you, if it all seems too much!

Start with a simple brain dump, so your brain can relax knowing it’s all been captured.

When you’re ready to take action, ask ‘where would Virgo start?’ - it’s probably going to be the lowest hanging fruit OR the thing that will make all the rest flow more easily.

Give yourself permission to do what’s a match for the current state of your animal body.

And for each thing you implement, really BASK in the delight of having it now be just that bit easier.

Happy Virgo Season!


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