How it works
It’s not like you haven’t tried really damn hard to rekindle your passion and purpose.
Maybe you’ve tackled the practical side of things with productivity apps.
Maybe you’ve tried coaching or therapy, via thought work, affirmations, EFT or NLP.
Maybe you’ve tried medications or supplements (or booze) to tackle energy loss and stress.
Maybe you’ve also explored ‘woo’ solutions like meditation, prayer, astrology or tarot.
Or you might simply have kept pushing through, and hoping for things to change, again and again and again.
But while some of these may have provided temporary relief, you’re still struggling and in pain and probably - if we’re honest - feeling pretty pissed off; and maybe even disheartened enough to think about giving up completely.
Know why so many of those solutions have not been able to create permanent change for you?
It’s because the underlying issue is not, and never was, a you-problem.
You are not broken, none of this is your fault, and you do not have a character flaw that needs fixing.
Almost everything you’ve experienced has been created in your brain, as a healthy and reasonable response to the UNhealthy and UNreasonable systems in which we all grew up: toxic capitalism, colonialism, and the patriarchy.
This doesn’t make you the helpless victim; it gives you the power to focus on solving the right problem at last - disrupting and dismantling the toxic tangles left behind by those systems, once and for all.
The underlying principles of this work:
We all grew up in multiple fucked-up systems of oppression, and those systems installed a bunch of toxic BS in our heads
You didn’t create the mess; that shit is not your fault, and not a character flaw, but - enraging as it might be - it is now your job to clean it up.
You are not a helpless victim here. Human brains are exquisitely designed for change when you know what you’re changing, and you have effective neuroscience-based tools
The changes happen faster and more easily, when you add a little magic to the mix
The journey
There are three core ingredients to change, and each person’s experience of those ingredients will be a little different. Think of it like a dance, a wandering, an exploration through terra incognita, rather than a march on hard roads to a set destination.
Because the dancing and the wandering and the exploring actually moves you along faster.
The ingredients are:
Animal-body safety. We pay attention to the current state of your animal body - is your nervous system fried, jangled, overwhelmed? We'll help her feel safer, so she can support the journey of change you’ll be undertaking. The focus of this foundational piece will be comfort and consolation - think more sensory delight; less hitting the gym. You're going to enjoy this piece - and so is she.
Replenishment. Change takes energy (including handling change imposed upon you). If your tanks are already low, change can feel impossible, because you’re already tapped out just from basic functioning. Our focus here will be a combination of boosting your energy intake, and swiftly reducing energy leaks so you get to keep more of the energy you take in. This work is going to be easier and more delightful than you might think, and we’ll go at a pace you can handle.
Trust. Immersing in and embracing your own personal power means trusting yourself - trusting yourself to know what you want, to take aligned action, and to be open to receiving the good stuff. We’ll explode some of the deep, unconscious learned BS that has hampered those three pieces, in the past. We’ll build up your capacity for unapologetically knowing what you want, choosing and implementing aligned actions, and receiving with ease and grace.
These three work hand in hand in a beautiful synergistic dance.
Applying only one or two is never going to be as effective as applying all three together.
It’s the best combination for facilitating change at a pace your nervous system can tolerate, which in turn means you’ll get swifter results than you might currently think possible.
And we’ll do all of this with radically high levels of compassion and curiosity AND as much laughter and joy as we can muster.
After all, liberating yourself and unleashing your own power is about the most joyful thing you can do 😏
And the nuts and bolts?
All my offerings contain neuroscience-based coaching tools and planetary magic - a highly potent mix, underpinned by my decades of experience helping people liberate themselves from toxic systems.

Here are some of the results my clients have created
she won an election against the odds, and went on to help draft legislation that makes a difference for the vulnerable
she purchased a property to be home to the artists’ retreat centre she’d been dreaming of for 14 long years
she wrote the PhD dissertation that had been stuck for 8 years, while ‘magically’ acquiring a far better academic supervisor
she completed her masters and built a thriving business as an art therapist, despite the kinds of adversities that would deter most people
she is growing her unique wellness business via a truly accessible resource, and is now revolutionising health options for all
she launched a brand new business and reached ‘delightfully booked out’ status within three months
If this makes sense to you, and - more importantly - sounds like something you’d love to try out …
… please help yourself to my free resource designed to dismantle and dissolve that old devil Impostor Syndrome.
The solution I provide here uses a powerful brain science technique and leans on the beautiful support of planetary ally Saturn, sometimes known as the ‘curator of our life mission’.
I think you’re gonna love it!
And if you’re still on the fence, you might be caught up in a very common myth - click here to read more about what could be at play.