It’s hard to go it alone.

Embracing change - even when we’re eager for it - can send our brain and nervous system into a spiral of apprehension, driving us back to our old ways even worse than before.

Getting support is a smart choice. Now you just need to pick what’s going to work best for you (and if you’re not sure, zip to the end of this page and send me a note)

Here are some of the results my clients have created

Because it can be helpful to get some inspiration from others’ experiences

  • she won an election against the odds, and went on to help draft and enact laws that protect and support the vulnerable

  • she purchased a property to be home to the artists’ retreat centre she’d been dreaming of for 14 long years AND she finally opened the door to romance

  • she wrote the PhD dissertation that had been stuck for 8 years, while ‘magically’ acquiring a far better academic supervisor

  • she became a professional forex trader and is proudly creating intergenerational wealth for the first time in her family

  • she is growing her unique wellness business via a truly accessible resource, and is now revolutionising health options for all AND training physicians in cutting edge wellness paradigms

  • she launched a brand new business and reached ‘delightfully booked out’ status within three months

  • Image of a landscape at sunrise, showing rocky outcrops silhouetted by the golden glow of the sun, and the stars still visible in the sky.

    StarMap Support

    Single sessions, using the power of planetary magic and neuroscience. Ideal for a single topic when things seem blocked, for planning ahead (including your personal New Year aka your birthday), and for reconnecting with your sense of purpose.

  • Mid close up photo of woman's hands, holding a small plant and its root ball, symbolising growth.

    Reignite the Flame

    A potent blend of Zoom coaching sessions and asynchronous coaching between sessions.

    Supported by insights into your unique astrological chart, potent brain-rewiring hacks, and exquisitely compassionate, highly skilled coaching.

  • Beautiful spray of sunflowers fully opened

    Free Stuff

    Not sure if I’m for you?

    Help yourself to one of my free resources, and you’ll get a sense of who I am, how I like to help, and whether we’d be a good fit.

Pay from the heart pricing

For many of my offers, I use ‘pay from the heart’ pricing, as taught by the brilliant Mark Silver from Heart of Business. (If you’re curious about the concept, you can register with Mark to receive a free webinar on the topic - but please make sure you come back here after you click his link!)

We live in a world where people’s access to resources is wildly variable, in ways that have nothing to do with their innate brilliance or their gifts or their knowledge; and everything to do with the systems in which we were all raised.

Here’s how to make your decision with any ‘pay from the heart’ service or program:

  1. first, ask your heart ‘is this the thing I need or want right now?’ and listen for a powerful yes or a powerful no

  2. if it’s a yes, ask your heart which of the three suggested prices is most appropriate for you to pay - and if even the lowest price is still out of reach, email me to ask about options

Growth: a generous amount designed for those who have easier access to wealth and resources, who relish the opportunity to help subsidise those with less, and who want to support the growth of my business so I can, in turn, help more people.

Sustenance: the ‘break even’ price, which enables me to keep the business going, and to put food on my table and a roof over my head.

Access: an accessible price for those who are in a situation where paying more would put their own food and shelter at risk

Regardless of which price you choose, you will get the exact same service.

There is no ‘punishment’ for needing to use the Access pricing; and there are no FOMO-inducing ‘VIP extras’ for choosing the Growth option (though of course, you will get lashings of gratitude from me and from those you’re helping, if that’s your pick ❤️)

I don’t use traditional equity pricing, where prices are set based on someone’s membership of a historically marginalised community - it’s not a terrible model, but I prefer to make space for the reality that there are many individuals from those communities who have found a way to break free of old generational constraints; and there are many in traditionally privileged groups whose personal circumstances may be difficult.

Pay from the heart means I trust you to choose the price that is most appropriate to your own situation, the price that your own heart quietly whispers in your ear.


Get in touch - click here to email me, or use this handy form.

Please note - it might be the middle of the night for me right now, or I may be with a client. I will reply as soon as I humanly can!

Or connect with me in the socials if that’s your jam.