I get it
When you’ve been raised and trained to be resilient and independent, it can be an unnerving prospect to reach out for help.
That’s why I’d love for you to grab a little taster, to get some help with two of the most common stumbling blocks which can affect even the most successful woman.
Mention Impostor Syndrome to a room full of career women, and you’ll get lots of heads nodding in recognition.
Talk about the ‘Inner Critic’ and there will be a similar response.
Both of these are reasonable responses for a human brain living in our culture … and neither of them is helpful.
Grab whichever one appeals most - or grab both! - and if I can help further, contact me.
Gifts, from me to you
Impostor Syndrome BOOM!
You know you do a good job, because your results on paper look fantastic, or because people tell you so. But deep down there’s that lurking silent shame, the fear that you’re a fraud, or you can’t sustain those results, or they were an unrepeatable fluke. It’s not your fault, it’s not a character flaw, and it’s time to start getting that BS out of your head and explode those myths. Grab my free resource and THRIVE.
Heal your Inner Critic
That inner voice whose standards of perfection you can never seem to meet? The one which loops around on impossible questions such as “why do I always …?” and “why do I never …?”, the one which LOVES to compare you and find you wanting? It’s your inner critic. And although it FEELS like a monster, or maybe a pack of wild critters with teeth and claws - it’s not your enemy, and you can retrain it more easily than you think. Grab this free resource and FREE yourself.