StarMap Session

now available for gifting!)

Do you design a plan for your goals, and then push through with clenched fists and gritted teeth no matter what (and end up burned out and exhausted)?

Do you fly by the seat of your pants, and then look around and feel like you went astray somewhere?

Do you catch yourself feeling so stuck, so caught in a kind of existential crisis, the very thought of planning is just … impossible?

Or do you follow a blueprint made by someone else which promises to deliver your dreams, only to discover it feels like bamboo under the fingernails and then doesn’t work anyway?

Imagine if you could create a roadmap for what’s next, based on all these key elements:

  • your dreams and goals (including if the goal is ‘figure out what the hell I want next’)

  • the current state of your animal body - your nervous system and your energy levels

  • the circumstances of your life right now

  • your own inherent superpowers - your gifts, your natural style, your preferences, your heart’s delights

  • the astrological “weather” around us, so you can surf those waves to your own advantage

You didn’t arrive on the planet as a blank slate; you came here with a unique-to-you set of innate superpowers.

The stars don’t dictate who you are, or what will happen to you.

They reveal the glorious potential YOU that you came here to be.

The YOU which can never be erased; though it can get hidden beneath all the unconscious programming we all acquire, from all the voices in our world - the systems of oppression, the cultural pressures, the ancestral trauma, the families of origin, and your own lived experiences.

Your chart is both a snapshot of that original potential, and a roadmap to help you navigate the journey.

A Star Mapping consult is like planning out the adventure with a tour guide** who can help you read the map, help you plan and pack for the trip, and hand you the lantern to light your way.

You have some big aspirations - for yourself and for the world - and you’re ready to expand them, to move forward into something bigger, or something new, or perhaps simply something easier.

You’re ready for a simple plan of What To Do Next - one that won’t burn you out or leave you batshit bored or (ugh) require a ton of discipline and willpower.

This is for you if any of the following is true:

  • you want insights into your own radiant potential - a way to help design your focus for what comes next

  • you want a plan for something time-related (eg the next quarter in your business; the next semester of your troublesom PhD)

  • you want a plan for something event-related (eg it’s time to declutter for a downsize; you’re wrangling family issues)

  • you want to get comfy in the driver’s seat of your own life, perhaps after a spell in the back seat

  • you yearn to reclaim energy and enthusiasm for your own goals and dreams, because sometimes it feels like you’re in the breathless anxiety of being ‘behind’

  • the goals that felt exciting and juicy a while back now feel like drudgery and you want to remember WHY you’re doing all this (or maybe find another path altogether)

  • your goals and aspirations sometimes feel bigger than you can hold

  • you yearn to make more heart-centered impact in the world, to enhance love and compassion, but at times like this - with all that’s swirling around us - that feels overwhelmingly big

Or maybe none of these are true for you, but you simply feel that craving for a bespoke and exquisite roadmap.

It’s not like you haven’t tried to figure out some of this ‘how to navigate my purpose and passion’ stuff.

Maybe you’ve taken a practical approach, with productivity apps and lists of pros and cons. Or you’ve tried coaching or therapy, or you’ve explored solutions like energy-healing, meditation or prayer.

You might have just kept pushing through, hoping for things to get clear as if by magic.

While some of these might have provided temporary relief, you’re still struggling or confused or and in pain, and maybe even feeling a bit pissed off or disenchanted with the whole thing.

(And if one more person says ‘just follow your bliss’, you’re probably going to wanna punch something)

Here’s are two key reasons those approaches haven’t worked the way you hoped.

1. They were misaligned

Reaching out to learn from experts can be smart, because they have useful knowledge and can be invaluable for our growth.

But you have all these inborn gifts, talents and preferences - your own unique set of superpowers. And so do they.

The things that work for them are aligned with THEIR innate superpowers, not necessarily with your own.

And when there’s a mismatch, your well-meaning but misguided brain interprets that as ‘it’s your fault - you’re doing it wrong’. Yikes.

Almost always, when the things you’ve learned don’t work, it’s a system misalignment.

2. Solving for the wrong problem

If you’ve had a system misalignment, now your brain is telling you that the problem must be you - you’ve done it wrong, you’re not meant to do xyz, etc.

So you start doing work on yourself, twisting yourself into a pretzel to try and make the misaligned thing work.

But when you try to ‘fix yourself’, you’re solving for the wrong problem - because you aren’t broken!

That glorious, full potential YOU is temporarily hidden beneath layers of acquired old paradigms installed in all of us by the oppressive systems in which we grew up.

She’s like Sleeping Beauty, hidden behind thickets of thorns and high castle walls built by those who sought to either control you, or protect you (or both). 

But all is not lost.

Because you are also the Prince.

You’re on a quest - as we all are - to awaken the authentic YOU, to liberate her from the cocoon of other people’s rules.

My role in that quest is to be your champion and collaborator.

Not to tell you what to do - but to help identify your own superpowers and gifts, and to collaborate with you on designing the next step in your journey back to joy.

Consider me your tour guide**

** if you’d really like the tour guide to come with you for the whole journey - we can also do that. Check out my 1:1 coaching services, some of which include a StarMap Session as the starting point.

How it works

This is a single 90 minute session, underpinned by your astrological chart, all pointed at creating a practical plan that is simple, doable, and fits in with your current energy levels and circumstances.

This is so much more effective than trying to do things the way everyone else does them. It’s so much kinder than using punishment or ‘bullying’ to drive yourself forward.

And it’s so much more useful than a generic astrology reading.

We will:

  • identify your current goals and dreams - including if you’re not sure what those are right now

  • explore the planetary allies who would be of most support with those goals, for you

  • create a strategy fuelled by joy and delight (NOT willpower and punishment 😬)

Here are some of the results my clients have created

  • she won an election against the odds, and went on to help draft legislation that makes a difference in the lives of the vulnerable

  • she purchased a property to be home to the artists’ retreat centre she’d been dreaming of for 14 long years

  • she wrote the PhD dissertation that had been stuck for 8 years, while ‘magically’ acquiring a far better academic supervisor

  • she healed from the psychic pain of a dysfunctional relationship while rediscovering her zest for life, when she thought all was lost

  • she is growing her unique wellness business via a truly accessible resource, and is now revolutionising health options for all

  • she launched a brand new business and reached ‘delightfully booked out’ status within three months

I know that investing in something new can be a scary prospect, so if you have any questions at all - please get in touch.

Your message comes directly to me and I will answer as soon as possible (bear in mind I’m in south-east Australia so if you message while I’m asleep, it may take a few hours for me to get back to you!)

The details

You begin with an extremely gentle and compassionate process of self-enquiry, which helps us both to prepare for the session. If this sounds alarming, fret not - you can click here to preview the form I use and that way, you know what you’re getting into (you’ll need to put something into some of the fields to get to all the sections, but unless you hit the Submit button at the very end, your answers will not be saved so I won’t see them)

When you book your session, you’ll receive a confirmation email containing a link to the active version of that self-enquiry form; while most questions are completely optional, I would encourage you to engage with it as much as you can manage. Nothing you say can shock me, and nothing is off limits!

Our session happens on Zoom (camera is optional) and goes for 90 minutes (bring snacks!).

Unlike a standard ‘whole of chart’ astrology reading, we will focus on the planetary allies whose power is most useful to support your goals and any current issues you want to resolve. We’ll explore these potent allies through the lens of ‘how can I best take advantage of these superpowers, to boost my purpose and my joy?’. And we’ll explore any upcoming astrological ‘weather’ (eg the current Pluto on my Sun challenging me to unleash more of my power), and ask ‘how can I surf this energy to my own advantage?’

During the session, we’ll work together to design the best possible roadmap for you - whether that’s an overall plan for the future, a specific plan for the next 3 months, or something else.

And if necessary, I’ll equip you hack through those old thickets - aka any blockages and barriers that might have been standing in the way - using the best option(s) from my wide array of coaching tools.

By the end, you’ll have:

    • A far better understanding of how your own purpose and superpowers support your current goals

    • A joyful sense of ‘permission’ to do things your own unique way, rather than how the experts say those things should be done (to be clear - I can’t give you permission, because you don’t need it from me; but that is often how it feels)

    • A beautifully ‘post-patriarchy’ understanding of the key planetary allies who are the support team for your goals (any part of you which longs to disrupt the patriarchy is going to love this bit!)

    • Neuroscience-and-magic based tactics, to help you bring your dreams and goals to fruition

    • A clear, doable strategic plan

After our session, I will put together a simple one-page PDF with the key strategic plan, and send it to you as a handy cheat sheet to help you stay on track (because brains can be tricky lil’ buggers and revert to their old patterns, without an aide-memoire).

I’ll provide you any of my own coaching tools I might have recommended, such as a stress-busting protocol or a guided meditation.

And I’ll give you my working notes, because that can help you remember where the strategy came from, and why it will work.

I’ll record the call, and I will also set it up so you have the option to record it locally to your own computer.

Investment: you choose …

Pay from the heart

I am making this unique service available using ‘Pay from the heart’ pricing, as taught by the brilliant Mark Silver from Heart of Business. If you’re curious about the concept, you can register with Mark to receive a free webinar on the topic - but please make sure you come back here after you click his link!

I’ve never really wanted the giant scaled-up business empire with a team of coaches, a slick YouTube channel and a bathtub overlooking the Eiffel Tower.

But my work does need for me to make a reasonable living, which is why I do it as a business and not as a non-profit or a hobby.

And the stark reality for all of us is that we live in a world where people’s access to resources is wildly variable, in ways that have nothing to do with their innate brilliance or their gifts or their knowledge; and everything to do with the systems in which we were all raised.

Sidebar: there ARE powerful things we can do to change our relationship with making and managing money - if you’re in a situation where buying this consult at any price is too big a stretch, please go grab my self-study money-healing intensive ($25 USD) and work with that for the next few weeks.

For your StarMap session, there are three prices to choose from.

Here’s how to make your decision:

  1. first, ask your heart ‘is this the thing I need or want right now?’ and listen for a powerful yes or a powerful no

  2. if it’s a yes, ask your heart which of the three prices is most appropriate for you to pay (the $$ details are in the drop down accordion below)

Growth: a generous amount designed for those who have more access to wealth and resources, who relish the opportunity to help subsidise those with less, and who want to support the growth of my business so I can, in turn, help more people

Sustenance: the ‘break even’ price, which enables me to keep the business going, and to put food on my table and a roof over my head

Access: an accessible price for those who are in a situation where paying more would put their own food and shelter at risk (and if this is still too much, please go check out my Unleash Money intensive)

Regardless of which price you pick, you will get the exact same service - no ‘punishment’ for needing to use the Access pricing; and no FOMO-inducing ‘VIP extras’ for choosing the Growth option (though of course, you will get lashings of gratitude, if that’s your pick ❤️)

My own four planets in Libra absolutely RELISH a situation where those who have much, are ready to kick in a little extra to support those who have less.

It feels truly beautiful to be able to offer this here.

I don’t use traditional equity pricing, where prices are set based on someone’s membership of a historically marginalised community - it’s not a terrible model, but I prefer to make space for the reality that there are many individuals from those communities who have found a way to break free of old generational constraints; and there are many in traditionally privileged groups whose personal circumstances may be difficult.

Pay from the heart means I trust you to choose the price that is most appropriate to your own situation, the price that your own heart quietly whispers in your ear.

  • A generous amount designed for those with more access to wealth and resources, who relish the opportunity to help subsidise those with less, and whose generosity would help my business to grow and enable me to help more people

    $400 USD

  • The ‘break even’ price, which enables me to keep the business going, and to put food on my table and a roof over my head

    $300 USD

  • For those who are in a situation where paying more would put their own food and shelter at risk

    $100 USD


  • Kim Falconer, Astrologer

    “Holy Moly! My eyes have been opened in a whole new way . . . I can feel the world changing beneath my feet! If you want to be more of who you are, get some time with Janette, and buckle up!”

  • Elizabeth, Artist

    “This makes sense at last! I can see how my chart actually makes sense, where previously it just felt like someone's reading my palm, it’s gobbledygook. You connect it, you join the dots, you make it real. That's what you're so good at. You make it relevant and real. I feel connected to my own chart in ways I just haven't before.”

  • Jodi Cleghorn, Word Witch

    “Every recovering over-achiever needs a Janette. Her practice of planetary magick is groundbreaking — both in its disruption of the old paradigm of “astrology” and in what it will create as a foundation for a new understanding of yourself and how to move through the world with fierce and compassionate grace.”

  • Char Remakus, Retired Psychologist

    “I tried therapy with a counsellor before and that left me more distraught than when I began therapy. After working with Janette … I went from deep despair to a woman of joy and peace.”


  • Absolutely! We can focus on your career, of course, and we can also look at the chart of your business - and even look at the relationship between you, as ‘partners’ in your enterprise. Be sure to let me know this is what you want beforehand, so we can discuss details.

  • Absolutely - and there are some caveats, to do with privacy and consent.

    Click here to find out all the details (this will open a new page on my website, so you won’t lose your place here!)

  • Absolutely!! I love doing charts for kids and teens, and - as with gifting - there are some caveats.

    For little kids, I can do a chart to help you understand who they are and how they operate (eg if you’re a Pisces parent with a Virgo child, it’s wildly helpful to know what these two SEEMINGLY opposites have in common!).

    For teens, I can do something similar - and depending on their age, I prefer to let the teen decide whether you get to participate in the session - I’ll encourage them to share what they learn with you, but I also won’t enable a situation where mom or dad is hampering their own kid’s access to a respectful space.

    Privacy and consent matter to kids just as they do to adults, and I seek to find the balance that’s best for all. Please contact me if you’d like to discuss further.

  • I’m so sorry you experienced that! Popular astrology contains some deep, unconscious patriarchal biases which can give rise to unhelpful interpretations. Every chart reveals a brilliant human, full of glorious potential. I’d love to see yours, and see if we can’t bust whatever underlying myth is at play.

  • The system is rigged. Research shows that little girls are trained from a very early age to ignore their own needs while noticing and prioritising the needs of others, where little boys are taught to notice their own needs and figure out how to have them met. Little girls also learn early that seeking to express themselves fully is inappropriate, shameful or dangerous. Most self help books and productivity programs approach these issues as if they are a personal flaw that needs fixing - so NOW you’re also dealing with a low hum of shame or guilt for being ‘broken’ or ‘wrong’ because you’re not clear on how to unpack all that crap. My approach works because I directly address the systemic BS that got planted in your head AND I hook you up with powerful planetary allies in all their post-patriarchy glory.

  • No, because your journey is in your own hands. We will look at key upcoming astrological 'weather' to see how best to surf what's coming up and how it will dance with your own chart. I don't say 'xyz will happen next' - rather, I ask 'how can we make the most of the upcoming trends and influences?'

  • My astrology lineage includes Kim Falconer, Liz Greene and Joanne Wickenburg, so my astrology work has a Jungian foundation.

    And I bring to the work two coaching qualifications representing three core years of training all up, plus various adjunct training in positive psychiatry, psychological first aid, trauma, identity shifting, emotional intelligence, chaos magic and diversity, equity and inclusivity.

  • Liberating people from toxic BS systems is my jam. Ever since I was union rep on a TV production in 1995, and went into battle for the child actors to get their proper lunch breaks, I’ve helped thousands of people.  I did it first as a union organiser for actors and, later, academics. And since 2011, I’ve done it with hundreds of coaching clients. With 20 years as a professional performer, a few years in progressive politics and union work, a writing qualification, and growing up the daughter of a country doctor, it’s easy for me to work with clients from all walks of life. I’m fiercely passionate about freeing women from those old toxic systems in our heads, so we can all wreak more joy in the world and fulfil our true purpose.

Ready to Roll? Awesome!

Use the appropriate booking form below, and let’s get this party started 🥳

If you have a gift certificate, be sure to pick the pricing option that matches the value of your certificate!
And if you have any questions, please get in touch - I’m always happy to chat!