Plantary Powerups

Meet the Planetary Powerup - a single strategic session, designed for savvy women who want a plan for achieving goals and dreams, supported by planetary magic and the wisdom encoded in their own lives.

Especially powerful when use to help plan an upcoming quarter through the lens of a Solstice (December, June) or an Equinox (September, March).

Pushing through with clenched fists and gritted teeth is unsustainable, unnecessarily painful, and ultimately less effective. Surfing along, supported by astrological weather and your own inherent superpowers is waaaaay more fun and potent.

You have some big aspirations, and you’re ready to move forward into something bigger, or something new, or perhaps even something less painful. But something has you feeling unclear or stuck or apprehensive, and you yearn for a simple plan of What To Do Next.

You want a plan for something time-related (the next quarter in your business, or the next phase in your life).

Or you want a plan for something event-related (it’s time to declutter your home, or your PhD process has stalled).

Or you simply you want to get back into the driver’s seat of your own life, after finding yourself inexplicably in the back seat.

You yearn to reclaim energy and enthusiasm for your own goals and dreams, because sometimes it feels like you’re in the breathless anxiety of being ‘behind’.

Or maybe the goals that felt exciting and juicy a while back now feel like drudgery.

Or maybe none of these are true for you, but you can FEEL that craving, for someone to just reach out, haul you out of the mud, and help you design a roadmap.

It’s not like you haven’t tried to solved this.

Maybe you’ve taken a practical approach, with productivity apps and lists of pros and cons. Or you’ve tried coaching or therapy, or you’ve explored solutions like energy-healing, meditation or prayer.

You might have just kept pushing through, hoping for things to get clear as if by magic.

While some of these might have provided temporary relief, you’re still struggling and in pain and probably - if we’re honest - feeling pretty pissed off. And having someone say ‘listen to your own guidance’ only adds to the noise and irritation!

Here’s why those approaches haven’t worked quite the way you hoped.

You didn’t arrive on the planet as a blank slate - you came with inborn gifts, talents and preferences: your own unique set of superpowers.

And then, your brain got installed with a whole bunch of rules about how to do things, based on old paradigms from outmoded systems. Plus - if you’re anything like the rest of us - you also reached out to learn from experts, because they DO have good knowledge.

But the things that work for them are aligned with THEIR own superpowers, not necessarily with your own.

And when you try to tap into your own Inner Guidance and lean into your own sovereignty, your own authenticity - it can be soooooo hard to hear over the racket from all the unconscious stuff in your head, standing between you and your own genius. 

And when you try to ‘fix yourself’, you’re solving for the wrong problem - because you aren’t broken!

It’s like your full potential to be uniquely you, and do things your own most joyous way, is Sleeping Beauty, hidden behind thickets of thorns and high castle walls built by those who sought to either control you, or protect you (or both). 

But all is not lost.

You are also the Prince.

You’re on a quest - as we all are - to awaken the authentic You, to liberate her from the cocoon of other people’s rules.

My role in that quest is to be your champion.

Not to tell you what to do - but to help identify your own superpowers and gifts, and to collaborate with you on designing the next step in your quest for liberation and authentic joy.

How it works

The Planetary Powerup is a single coaching session, underpinned by your astrological chart.

Your chart isa map which reveals your superpowers, not a set of limitations which dictate who you are or what’s possible for you.

Designing a strategic plan based on your own superpowers, supported by cutting edge neuroscience-based coaching, is so much more effective than trying to do things the way everyone else does them.

We will:

  • identify your current goals and dreams, even if you’re not sure what those are right now

  • explore the planetary allies who would be of most support with those goals, for you

  • create a powerful strategy fuelled by joy and delight rather than pushing and punishment

  • make implementation easy as possible

Here are some of the results my clients have created

  • she won an election against the odds, and went on to help draft legislation that makes a difference in the lives of the vulnerable

  • she purchased a property to be home to the artists’ retreat centre she’d been dreaming of for 14 long years

  • she wrote the PhD dissertation that had been stuck for 8 years, while ‘magically’ acquiring a far better academic supervisor

  • she healed from the psychic pain of a dysfunctional relationship while rediscovering her zest for life, when she thought all was lost

  • she is growing her unique wellness business via a truly accessible resource, and is now revolutionising health options for all

  • she launched a brand new business and reached ‘delightfully booked out’ status within three months

Choose your preferred Planetary Powerup option, based on your preferences and the level of time, energy and money you’d like to invest in the process.

I know that investing in something new can be a scary prospect, so if you have any questions at all - please get in touch.

Your message comes directly to me and I will answer as soon as possible (bear in mind I’m in south-east Australia so if you message while I’m asleep, it may take a few hours for me to get back to you!)

Planetary Powerup

It begins with an extremely gentle and compassionate process of self-enquiry, which helps you to focus our session together, and helps me make sure you’re getting the most bang for your buck. When you book, your confirmation email will contain a link to the self-enquiry intake questionnaire, and while most questions are completely optional, I would encourage you to engage with it as much as you can manage. Nothing you say can shock me, and nothing is off limits!

We meet for 90 minutes on Zoom (camera optional) and do the core of the work - an exploration of your own superpowers via the insights revealed by your astrological chart and how it relates to your goals. We’ll focus on your most potent planetary allies, to help us collaborate on designing your best possible strategic plan. And we’ll hack through the thickets, aka any blockages and barriers that might have been standing in the way.

We’ll record the call, and you’ll have the option of an AI-generated transcript if you want it.

By the end, you’ll have:

    • A far better understanding of how your own purpose and superpowers support your current goals

    • An understanding of the key planetary allies who are your support team for those goals

    • Neuroscience-and-magic based tactics to help bring the liberated You more fully into existence

    • A strategic plan, weaving together both internal and external elements, because that’s always far more effective

After our session, I will put together a simple one-page PDF with the key strategic plan, and send it to you as a handy ‘cheat sheet’ to help you stay on track (because brains can be tricksy, trying to revert to their old patterns if we’re not paying attention 😏).

I’ll also provide you any of my own coaching tools we think would be helpful, such as a chronic stress protocol or a guided meditation.

And I’ll give you my working notes, because that can help you remember where the strategy came from and why it will work.

I’ll record the call, and I will also set it up so you have the option to record it locally to your own computer.

An AI-generated transcript will also be available on request (let me know when we meet up if you’d like this).

Investment: $300 USD

Planetary Powerup Plus

This includes everything in the Planetary Powerup, plus a month of email coaching support.

We know that human brains haaaaate change, and sometimes they can do everything in their power to get us reverting to old patterns.

Sometimes a single session is plenty, to set your feet on the path and get things moving reliably.

And sometimes, a month of follow-up coaching can hold you on the path more securely, help you navigate unexpected road bumps, give you extra traction, and make the whole ride just a little smoother.

How does it work?

Simple. You send me a note any time you need support or extra guidance, and I respond within 24 hours.

Instead of email, we can use FB messenger or Slack if those are easier for you.

I can also be your accountability coach, sending proactive prompts throughout the month - just let me know when we meet if you’d like that option.

Investment: $500 USD

But wait .. there’s more!


I won’t be pitching you anything on this call. It’s not a sales call in disguise (ugh).

But FYI - if you decide you’d like to engage me as a coach, to provide more long-term support for your growth and expansion, the cost of a Planetary Powerup may be deducted from that fee. You can find out more here.


  • Kim Falconer, Astrologer

    “Holy Moly! My eyes have been opened in a whole new way . . . I can feel the world changing beneath my feet! If you want to be more of who you are, get some time with Janette, and buckle up!”

  • Jodi Cleghorn, Word Witch

    “Every recovering over-achiever needs a Janette. Her practice of planetary magick is groundbreaking — both in its disruption of the old paradigm of “astrology” and in what it will create as a foundation for a new understanding of yourself and how to move through the world with fierce and compassionate grace.”

  • Char Remakus, Retired Psychologist

    “I tried therapy with a counsellor before and that left me more distraught than when I began therapy. After working with Janette … I went from deep despair to a woman of joy and peace.”

  • Jacqueline Gates, Leading Lady Coach

    “Dear reader, if, when you think of what you’d most love to do/be/have, you have a voice in your head that says ‘NO’ … then you have a vibe that’s keeping you small, unsuccessful and unfulfilled. And Janette Dalgliesh can help you with that faster, and easier, than anyone else I know.”


  • Astrological systems are based on ancient mythologies. Those all arose out of cultures with deep, unconscious patriarchal biases - and those biases gave rise to many unhelpful assumptions in modern popular astrology. I take a post-patriarchy view, unravelling some of those unhelpful assumptions. Every chart I’ve seen (and I’ve seen a lot!) has revealed a brillian human, full of glorious potential. Whatever you've been told, I'm willing to bet that you are no different - and there is myth just waiting to be busted.

  • The system is rigged. Research shows that little girls are trained from a very early age to ignore their own needs while noticing and prioritising the needs of others, where little boys are taught to notice their own needs and figure out how to have them met. Little girls also learn early that seeking to express themselves fully is inappropriate, shameful or dangerous. Most self help books and productivity programs approach these issues as if they are a personal flaw that needs fixing - so NOW you’re also dealing with a low hum of shame or guilt for being ‘broken’ or ‘wrong’ because you’re not clear on how to unpack all that crap. My approach works because I directly address the systemic BS that got planted in your head AND I hook you up with powerful planetary allies in all their post-patriarchy glory.

  • Astrology is a symbolic language, but don’t have to know any of it because I’ll be your guide. And I’m a pragmatist, so I focus on what works best FOR YOU.

  • Doing this work of dismantling ancient systemic BS in one’s own head can seem a bit daunting. How will I know what to do? What if it doesn’t work for me? We will design your customised strategy, based on the potent human you are revealed to be, as well as by your astrological chart, the key planetary allies who support your goals, plus your level of energy and the current state of your animal body. I create safety by setting the pace of change at a speed which gives you the most traction - my signature absence of rush.

  • I don't make predictions about the future, because your journey is in your own hands. But we will look at key upcoming astrological 'weather' to see how best to surf what's coming up and how it will dance with your own chart. I don't say 'xyz will happen next' - rather, I ask 'how can we make the most of the upcoming trends and influences?'

  • My two coaching qualifications included three core years of training all up, plus various adjunct training in positive psychiatry, psychological first aid, trauma, identity shifting, emotional intelligence, astrology, chaos magic and diversity, equity and inclusivity. I'm a life coach, not a therapist or a doctor, so I will not diagnose; and I will not prescribe or recommend things for you to take (such as supplements, herbs or drugs). For more details, please visit

  • Liberating people from toxic BS systems is my jam. Ever since I was union rep on a TV production in 1995, and went into battle for the child actors to get their proper lunch breaks, I’ve helped thousands of people.  I did it first as a union organiser for actors and, later, academics. And since 2011, I’ve done it with hundreds of coaching clients. With 20 years as a professional performer, a few years in progressive politics and union work, a writing qualification, and growing up the daughter of a country doctor, it’s easy for me to work with clients from all walks of life. I’m fiercely passionate about freeing women from those old toxic systems in our heads, so we can all wreak more joy in the world and fulfil our true purpose.

Ready to Roll? Awesome!

Choose which option you’d prefer, click the appropriate button and let’s get this party started!

And if you have any questions, please get in touch - I’m always happy to chat!