The Unleash You Quest

For smart, savvy women who want to create significant change in the most effective, kind and potent way possible.

Whether you’re an aspirational professional, an ambitious creative or a caring entrepreneur, you KNOW you’re here for important stuff!

But either you’re unsure how to make it all real; or you’ve had wild success but you’ve lost the joy and inspiration of your work in the world, and burnout is here or just around the corner.

Driven by perfectionism and overwork, you carry the burden of other people’s needs and expectations, unsure how to let them go. Self-criticism and exhaustion both erupt regularly, with a side of shame and guilt because you’re smart and you ‘should be able to fix this’.

Your career might be thriving on the outside, but on the inside, it’s turning to ashes in your mouth and you’re not even 100% sure if it’s still right for you any more.

You may even have ridden this rodeo more than once, and now you feel stuck because you’ve invested so much time, money and energy.

Maybe not every detail here is you, but you feel the deep painful echoes of it in your gut. It SUCKS, and you’re ready for So Much More!

It’s not like you haven’t tried really damn hard to get solutions. You’ve tackled the practical side of things with productivity apps. You’ve tried coaching or therapy, via thought work, affirmations, EFT or NLP. You’ve tried medications or supplements (or booze) to tackle energy loss and stress. You’ve also explored ‘woo’ solutions like meditation, prayer, astrology or tarot. Or you might simply have kept pushing through, and hoping for things to change, again and again and again.

But while some of these may have provided temporary relief, you’re still struggling and in pain and probably - if we’re honest - feeling pretty pissed off. And maybe even disheartened or close to giving up completely.

The reason so many of those solutions have not been able to create permanent change for you is that the underlying issue is not, and never was, a you-problem.

You are not broken, none of this is your fault, and you do not have a character flaw that needs fixing.

Almost everything you’ve experienced has been created in your brain, as a healthy and reasonable response to the UNhealthy and UNreasonable systems in which we all grew up: toxic capitalism, colonialism, and the patriarchy.

This doesn’t make you the helpless victim, mind you. It gives you the power to focus on solving the right problem at last - disrupting and dismantling the toxic tangles left behind by those systems, once and for all.

The quest to become the You who is fully expressing herself and her purpose in the world is all about blazing a new trail, and that’s not always the most comfortable activity.

But it’s made sooooo much easier with the right kind of support by your side.

Successfully healing this relationship with your most radiant purpose in the world follows four simple principles:

  1. The system in which we were raised is fucked, and it has installed habits of sabotage in your head

  2. That’s not your fault - but it is your responsibility (and your opportunity!) to reprogram your brain

  3. Brains are superbly designed for rapid change, when you have the right tools pointed at the right problem

  4. Magic adds a whole new dimension of ease and support to the change process

What to expect

  • The stress of going it alone disappears, and you fully relax into possibility, realising you cannot shock or ‘turn off’ your human ally (me), no matter what

  • The flat feelings of blaahhh dissolve, to be replaced by sparkles of joy, excitement and delight as you reclaim your innate mojo and point it in the direction of your dreams

  • The struggle to figure out what to do and how to do it dissipates, to be replaced by a calm and peaceful sense of ‘I know what to do next because I trust myself’

  • Old, painful doubts about your own talent, skills and superpowers fall away, and you experience the relief of knowing ‘yes, I AM on track - and I don’t have to figure out every single future step, right this minute’

  • Uncertainty about the path ahead is blown away by the clarion call of your own unleashed self, as she pulls you towards her with love, encouragement and delight

  • The noisy barrage of incoming ideas, advice and opinions from the outside world dulls to a very quiet roar, a background hum from which you can now choose only those things which are truly aligned with your own glorious radiant self

  • Real world changes occur as a direct result of any internal changes your make - AND VICE VERSA!

  • The absence of rush enables you to get traction in ways that have previously felt elusive and perhaps even frustrating

You’re seeking to become the version of you who is successfully fulfilling her purpose with joy, grace and love.

When you do that, you liberate yourself to CHOOSE.

You can either rekindle true love for the current gig, or switch it up for something different knowing you won’t take the old patterns with you this time.

You can choose the best way to support your work in the world based on your own unique superpowers, rather than doing thing the way everyone says you’re supposed to.

Imagine that as you undertake this quest to become the truest version of You, you have all the support and guidance you need to regroup and reset, with compassion instead of punishment and anxiety.

Imagine how much easier it becomes, to embark upon a new, joy-filled stage of the journey ahead, with enough wiggle room to accommodate the realities of who you are, and your actual day to day life.

How it works

The Unleash You Quest is a foray into radical new possibilities - a potent combination of coaching, astrology and somatic practices, to simply and effectively call yourself back into your power and find a brand new relationship with your goals and dreams.

It is a journey from where you are now, to a joy-fuelled and joy-filled expression of you in the world: prosperous, fulfilled, happy to show up to work, with space for travel and relationships and a delightful home life.

And most of all, a journey towards a You who is so radiantly herself, the Univerae cannot avert its gaze.

It is designed to:

  • Identify your current goals (including ‘clarity’ if you have no idea what to put here!)

  • Activate the unique planetary allies who would be of most support with those goals FOR YOU

  • Provide the correct-for-you support of your animal body, paying attention to the current state of your nervous system and your energy levels (we will never hold back due to exhaustion but we will also NOT push harder than you have capacity for right now - because absence of rush is the fastest way to effect change)

  • Create effective strategies of Things To Do that will be like surfing a wave of energy in the direction you want to go - a balance of internal and external actions, designed between you and me

  • Enable you to blaze your beautiful trail, while I help you slash through the vines and tangles and undergrowth which can threaten to have you caught up or even lost when you’re going it alone

  • Support you fully as you undertake the journey from who (and where) you are now, to who (and where) you are heading next

  • Lay the groundwork for the fully unleashed version of you who is awaiting you even further along the trail, so that she can come into being sooner and with far more ease than you might have anticipated


Over a decade of coaching, I’ve discovered that the ideal timeframe to create meaningful change is four months. 

Brains do, indeed, change fast (anything from 72 hours to three weeks).

But creating deeper change involves many complex and interrelated areas, so it’s less like a single melody and more like a full symphony orchestra.

Three months is spacious enough for big change, but those changes can be too tender and newborn to be sustainable on their own. That extra month makes all the difference - like the few hours a butterfly needs to fully dry its wings so it can actually fly.

At the end of four months, there will always be options to either continue the work of expansion, or take a pause to consolidate. And there will be more flexible options of how to engage in the coaching journey moving forward, if that’s what you choose.

If you’re brand new in my world (or returning after an absence of more than 12 months) we’ll begin with a detailed snapshot of where you’re at, via an in-depth process of self-enquiry where you’ll help me understand where things are at, what you know right now about where you want to go, and what seems to stand in the way.

The questions I ask are almost all optional (become some things can be too tender to dig straight into), but the more we can unveil upfront, the easier it is to get traction.

Our first call will be a 90 minute session to talk about your goals, and to look at the planetary allies who will be of most use to you in the journey ahead. You will likely get homework which you will enjoy more than you can imagine (I love to surprise people with GREAT homework!)

We will then meet up for 4 x 60-minute sessions per month, for a total of 16 sessions all up, including the first one.

All the recommended tools, techniques, worksheets, guided meditations or other resources I suggest will either be included from my existing library, or made specifically for you.

Investment: $4000 USD (payable upfront, or as 4 monthly installments of $1000 USD each)

Please note - if you have had a Planetary Powerup session with me in the previous 30 days before signing up, the cost of that is offset from the cost of the coaching package - just be sure to ASK me for it as I may forget!


  • Lisa Hayes, Relationship Coach

    Janette is a master at both creating a space to heal and grow AND holding that space without judgement in what feels like an infinite absence of rush. Janette's work feels like the calm, the storm, and the rebirth after the storm. All of those things can live in any one session with her.

  • Jodi Cleghorn, Word Witch

    Every recovering over-achiever needs a Janette.

    Janette's voice is my temporary voice of reason as I negotiate my way off the roundabout of over-commitment and burn-out to find a calmer, more stable place where I value myself and my time enough to make decisions which are sensible and take into consideration what one woman alone can achieve and stay physically, emotionally and psychologically healthy and engaged.

  • Fi Joy, Art

    While I appreciated your knowledge astrologically ... what I really got and am still grateful for was a wonderful coach and fellow trailblazer who held space beautifully, while holding a mirror up so I could explore all the places and opportunities that I could grow from.

  • Jacqueline Gates, Leading Lady Coach

    Here’s the thing about working with Janette, the successes kind of sneak up on you. You become that person you dream of being … ie the one who doesn’t have that crappy vibe … so subtly that only hindsight makes the transformation visible.

    Case in point – This goddess worked with Janette in July to get rid of a chronic feeling of my-stuff’s-not-good-enough-to-launch-a-program. By August, I’d launched and delivered (with huge success, I might add) my inaugural Three Goddess Program. But I didn’t put two and two together until later!

    Because, instead of being a doubt-ridden-and-fearful entrepreneur, I had become a goddess-leader-who-launches, and this new BEingness was so natural, so TRUE, that I never even noticed the shift.

    Dear reader, if, when you think of what you’d most love to do/be/have, you have a voice in your head that says ‘NO’ … then you have a vibe that’s keeping you small, unsuccessful and unfulfilled. And Janette can help you with that faster, and easier, than anyone else I know.

  • Katie F, Doctoral Candidate

    I felt an overwhelming paralysis when faced with writing up my doctoral study over quite some time. Janette worked with me to change the narrative. I have moved from feeling physically sick when I looked at a blank page to completely blown away by a new reality in a few short weeks of personal coaching. Not only did Janette help free me from the ‘bindweed’ of the enormous task at hand but I was able to transform a judgemental, negative vibration into a successful process to move forward. As the original narrative was unlocked, so were other negative narratives that were holding me back. I have moved from a life of “I should” to “I could” practicing new ways of looking at the world. I have been able to unlock the negative vibrations in other parts of my life and continue to use the strategies that Janette has taught me to be excited and empowered every day. Thank you Janette for enveloping me in the possibilities of a new reality!

  • Charlotte Remakus, Retired Psychologist

    When I first began working with Janette, I felt I was in a black hole with no recourse. I was having serious relationship issues. From the very first session she focused on the problem, and offered solutions and tools which made sense, and I could put into operation immediately.

    I tried therapy with a counselor before and that left me more distraught than when I began therapy. I needed a female life coach who could make me feel better with the first session.

    If you are timid, I suggest you give Janette a try. She immediately connects with you in a warm and engaging manner and is very well versed in her ability to get to the root of the problem and suggest strategies. She has a wealth of strategies and the science to back them. After working with Janette for three months weekly, I went from deep despair to a woman of joy and peace with a wealth of strategies to practice whenever needed. I am becoming the wise woman crone I so desire to be. With gratitude to Janette!


  • This blended astrology-and-coaching offer is very different from all the other self-help stuff out there, because of how the system is rigged. Research shows that little girls are trained from a very early age to ignore their own needs while noticing and prioritising the needs of others, where little boys are taught to notice their own needs and figure out how to have them met. Little girls also learn early that seeking to express themselves fully is inappropriate, shameful or dangerous. Most self help books and productivity programs approach these issues as if they are a personal flaw that needs fixing - so NOW you’re also dealing with a low hum of shame or guilt for being ‘broken’ or ‘wrong’ because you’re not clear on how to unpack all that crap. My approach works because I directly address the systemic BS that got planted in your head AND I hook you up with powerful brain-rewiring strategies to help you navigate to the unleashed version of you, and the planetary allies who will be of most benefit to you along the way.

  • Doing this work of dismantling ancient systemic BS in one’s own head can seem a bit daunting. How will I know what to do? What if it doesn’t work for me? Play and delight are built into the practices I design because that massively supports the rewiring of your brain. We will design your customised strategy, based on the amazing human revealed by your astrological chart, the key planetary allies who support your goals, plus your level of energy and the current state of your animal body. I create safety by setting the pace of change at a speed which makes it possible, and you’ll be thoroughly supported by a strategy which comes with a beautiful absence of rush (the fastest way to enable change).

  • Astrology looks at different key players in the chart - Sun and Moon, Venus, Pluto, asteroids and even some of the hypothetical points calculated by orbital geometry. Thankfully, you don’t have to know any of that stuff because I’ll be your guide to the important bits. There are many schools of thought about what those planets and other things mean. They range from the concept that an important astrological body such as Venus is a literal planetary spirit, through to the idea that Venus represents certain aspects of your own psyche. I’m a pragmatist, so I won’t bring a dogmatic view to the table - rather, we will focus on what works best FOR YOU.

  • My two coaching qualifications included three core years of training all up, plus various adjunct training in positive psychiatry, psychological first aid, trauma, identity shifting, emotional intelligence, astrology, chaos magic and diversity, equity and inclusivity. I'm a life coach, not a therapist or a doctor, so I will not diagnose; and I will not prescribe or recommend things for you to take (such as supplements, herbs or drugs). For more details, please visit

  • Liberating people from toxic BS systems is my jam. Ever since I was union rep on a TV production in 1995, and went into battle for the child actors to get their proper lunch breaks, I’ve helped thousands of people.  I did it first as a union organiser for actors and, later, academics. And since 2011, I’ve done it with hundreds of coaching clients. With 20 years as a professional performer, a few years in progressive politics and union work, a writing qualification, and growing up the daughter of a country doctor, it’s easy for me to work with clients from all walks of life. I’m fiercely passionate about freeing women from those old toxic systems in our heads, so we can all wreak more joy in the world and fulfil our true purpose.

  • You’ve noticed that this package begins with something very similar to a Planetary Powerup! If you’ve done a Planetary Powerup recently, we’ll review what we learned during our first session. In addition, if you had your Planetary Powerup within 30 days of saying yes to The Unleash You Quest, you can offset the cost since you’ve already done that bit (yay for deals!).

What next?

You think this might be for you, awesome! The next step is for us to have a chat, either via a short (no pressure, no obligation) Zoom call or, if you prefer, via Facebook DMs or WhatsApp.

If you’d like to talk via Zoom, book straight in via my booking form below.

If you’d like to chat another way, click here to send a DM on Facebook or click here to contact me via this website.